Friday, March 16, 2012

ASEA and Anti-Aging. : Home Business Blogs

Bobby Brown?
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ASEA and Anti-Aging.

ASEA, like hbot, has three primary effects;

1.It slows the aging process.
2.It strengthens the immune system.
3.It accelerates healing.
Chronologically, we all age at the same rate. Biologically however it?s a much different story as our bodies age depending on a number of factors; environmental toxins, diet, genetics, stress and exercise to name a few.

If you want to see a great example of accelerated aging due to stress look at pictures of Bill Clinton just before his open-heart surgery. Then look at pictures of him just a few months later. What you?ll see is a body that aged ten years in ten months. Look at any smoker with a 20-year habit and I guarantee you that you?ll see accelerated aging.

So if you accept the fact that normal biological aging can be ACCELERATED by certain external factors, I?d submit to you that biological aging can just as easily be SLOWED DOWN by other external factors.

One of the most important of these anti-aging factors is the efficient destruction of free radicals that naturally occur in our bodies as we age. The more pervasive these free radicals become, the greater the damage to our bodies and as a result, the faster we age.

Conversely, the more efficient our bodies are at neutralizing these free radicals, the slower we age. ASEA has been proven to up-regulate our body?s own super antioxidants, Glutathione, SOD and Catalase by 500% (read: ASEAreportAntioxident). That is an incredible difference.

ASEA and Immune System Functioning.

So aging slower and living longer is a good thing, as long we?re healthy enough to enjoy it. And having an immune system in peak operating efficiency is your best insurance against disease and illness. Once again, redox signaling molecules play an absolutely critical role in the protect/detect/repair/replace operations that comprise our immune system.

Many of you know that I?ve been a health and fitness advocate most of my life. I eat well, exercise regularly and always take a high quality liquid vitamin/mineral supplement. However in June of 2005 I added a new supplement to my diet called Protandim. That was the year the prostate cancer my father had, started to destroy his body and near the end, his dignity. It was heartbreaking to watch and it left me feeling powerless to do anything to help him.

I want to do everything I can to live to a ripe old age but with a good quality of life. I added Protandim to my supplement regime because at the time it was the best antioxidant/free radical product available on the market.

Does a product like Protandim (or ASEA) guarantee that you?ll be protected from the ravages of a horrible disease like cancer? Of course not. But does it put the health odds a little more in your favor? I believe it does. At this point in his life (57) my father had prostate cancer. I do not.

If you look up Protandim in Wikipedia you?ll find this line:

?The manufacturers of Protandim claim the product can indirectly increase antioxidant activity by upregulating endogenous antioxidant factors such as the enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase, as well as the tripeptide glutathione??

The important word here is ?indirectly?, as Protandim is primarily comprised of five natural substances (Green Tea and Turmeric to name two).

ASEA however DIRECTLY increases these same antioxidants to a much higher degree because redox signaling molecules are native to the human body. Green Tea may be an all-natural ingredient but your body doesn?t contain Green Tea. Your body does however contain redox signaling molecules.

I cancelled my nearly seven-year subscription to Protandim last month. I will be using ASEA from this point forward because it is a technically superior product to combat free radicals.



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