Thursday, March 1, 2012

Focus on the Family Community: Finding Home: Ronald Reagan on ...

Focus on the Family Community: Finding Home: Ronald Reagan on Fatherhood

Currently Being Moderated

What does fatherhood mean today in America? Reaganposter.jpg


I guess the same as it always has.


Fatherhood can sometimes be walking the floor at midnight with a baby that can?t sleep. More likely, fatherhood is repairing a bicycle wheel for the umpteenth time, knowing that it won?t last the afternoon. Fatherhood is guiding a youth through the wilderness of adolescence toward adulthood.


Fatherhood is holding tight when all seems to be falling apart; and it?s letting go when it is time to part. Fatherhood is long hours at the blast furnace or in the fields, behind the wheel or in front of a computer screen, working a 12-hour shift or doing a six-month tour of duty. It?s giving one?s all, from the break of day to its end, on the job, in the house, but most of all in the heart.


- President Ronald Reagan, 1986


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